Video Projection

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Virtually every conference or meeting now relies upon video projection of some kind, whether in the use of IMAG with multiple cameras and graphics or for just displaying Powerpoint or presentation videos.

At Resource Group our extensive list of projectors allows our technicians to produce outstanding video projection at any size event from a small business meeting with a 3000 ansi video projector at a hotel meeting space, to some of the largest convention centers in the US with Christie and Barco 30,000 ansi video projectors and any size in between.

The choice of video projectors is no longer limited to a few brand named projector manufacturers, but has become an industry driven by application, the need of the client and the level of projection they require. The latest video projection developments being with video mapping and 3D projection.

projection-screens-by-Resource-Group-AV In Kansas City for one of Resource Group AV’s clients we provided a total of nine HD video projection systems varying from 22ft wide to 30ft wide and using Christie HD 12,000 ansi and 18,000 ansi HD projectors.

With manufacturers like Christie, Barco, Panasonic, Sony, NEC and Eiki, the possibilities are endless for video projection whether front or rear video projection, and are only limited to the imagination and budget.

projection quotes by resource group av Top 10 tips for great video projection